Thursday, December 16, 2010

New friends here for the day

Ray White Beecroft had a phone call from someone saying "the dogs from the property you manage have escaped and are running down the street". Master set off to recover them while Nicole phoned the tenants. The tenants work in the city, and asked if RWB could look after them for the day, so I had unexpected company! You know me, I am very sociable, but to be honest these two were a bit rough and kept getting very personal! Master confirmed that both boys were de-sexed, whatever that means.

But also they are crazy, they deliberately waded into the swimming pool! And then the gardener came with a thing called a whippersnipper! They went berserk! And then went back in the pool to cool off.

Monday, December 13, 2010

It wasn't my fault!

Unfairly banished!They shouldn't have left the door to Master's room open! What's a dog meant to do, when faced with temptation like this?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My New Friend Ernie

Ernie had escaped from his home and was running round the Beecroft Shopping Village, so Master brought him home for the afternoon. We had such good fun together. I was exhausted when his owner came to collect him.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My first pyjama party!

My two little white buddies came over to spend the night! Here we all are in the family bedroom.
It was really hard to wake them up in the morning!

Monday, November 15, 2010

In the River on my Own

After the lesson from Saffie on Sunday, here I am venturing in all on my own! Feeling very brave but also still rather nervous.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New friend Saffie

Met this lovely new dog in Chilworth Reserve on Sunday. She introduced me to a new game, walking in the river. Up to now I have been nervous of water. She wasn't, and on such a hot day it was fun.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dogs should sleep with their owners

At last someone is talking sense about dogs! One of Australia's leading animal behaviorists, Dr Robert Holmes, says dogs should be allowed to sleep in the bedroom.
"That's where they feel secure and safe, and rightfully part of the family pack," he said. "A back yard is no place for a dog, it's not their natural environment. They should be in bed with their owners, that's where the pack lies and they should all pile in together."
Not quite sure what he meant about the back yard, this is where I sleep most of the night.
By about six o'clock in the morning I can usually (always?) be found where the good Doctor recommends. But I always ask permission to get up on our bed, and so far my owners have not minded my waking them up to ask.

But hey, it's not rocket science!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm not too old to chew!

I heard mom comment that I seemed to have grown out of chewing things! Just to prove her wrong I reverted to my old habits.
A knife, a packet of nurofen, and a pack of blue cheese. That's what I call a dog's breakfast.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

What sort of chicken is that?

Master and I came across this weird looking fella in Chilworth Park Reserve yesterday. Master seemed to think I might try to attack it. Come on, Dad! Look at that beak, those claws! Anyway I am just not an attack type dog. I like my chicken wings served up without feathers.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Champion Dog / Master Team

On Sunday after my Master significantly upped his performance, we were finally promoted to the White Class at Brush Farm Dog Training class.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I love my new Teddy Bears

There's a spare bedroom that I am not allowed into, but I managed to work out how to get in, and found a whole menagerie of teddy bears! I carried four of them out to the living room, one after the other, before I was caught.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dog Training at Brush Farm

Master and I took part in a "handler's competion" at Brush Farm Dog Training on Sunday. I did pretty well, but Master got some of his hand signals wrong so we didn't win an award. He said it was my fault because I kept lying down instead of sitting, but I was so tired!I was SO glad to get home, and slept all evening.

The Dragons are Back

These water dragons fascinate me! But they run so fast and have such sharp teeth!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bloody Flash Cameras

I thought I was all alone in here, but Master must have heard me get in through the study door that he had left ajar. You can tell by the look on my face that I know I'm not allowed in here! That flash really made me jump!

I don't know why mom and Master laugh at me!

This is how I arrange the duvet to suit myself.

The grass is growing greener

Since Master built the barricades around the garden to stop me escaping, the gardeners haven't been able to get in to mow the back lawn. So the grass is really thriving, with all the excellent fertiliser I am providing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wasn't Me!

The tattered remnants of Daisy's dog bed were left on a table on the patio, and bits of fluff kept appearing on the deck below it. Master kept telling me off, until he noticed through the window that a magpie was picking through the fluff and flying off with bits of it to her nest!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What are they going to do to my park?

I've heard rumours that the M2 widening project involves putting a construction camp in under the two viaducts for two years while they fill in the gap and build an extension to make it into an eight lane monster! Not happy, Kristina!

In trouble again

This is Master's new "3D" jigsaw, a present for his birthday. Seeing how interested he was in it, I had a look while he was out of the room. The bit I chose wasn't very tasty but it was crunchy.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Much Embarrassment

I went visiting my friend Atlas yesterday when Master wasn't paying attention. When he arrived to collect me, I jumped off the patio to go to him and landed in the fish pond! Master and Atlas's owner both laughed, I was so humiliated. And now I am going to get yet another bath! Shouldn't happen to a dog!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My New Foxy Friend

Walking in Chilworth Recreation Reserve last night, master went on ahead while I explored in the bush, and I met a fox! I ran back to master, and the fox followed, quite scary until I realised he didn't want to eat me! Master put me back on my lead and started taking me home, and the fox followed us all the way up to Allerton Road. I think maybe he fancied me! I hope we find him again tonight!
The pic isn't actually of MY new friend, it was too dark to photograph him, but that's pretty much what he looked like. I think I am in love!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Please Don't Leave Me

My owners went on a week's holiday without me, and put some friends into the house to look after me. The friends had two nice little white dogs, with their own beds, and I got on well with them, but just to show my displeasure I sorted out one of their beds.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Last Day of the Positive Puppies Course

Here we are enjoying a well earned rest and a cappuchino at the end of Sue Dingwall's six week owner training course! Her phone number is 0433 844 239 and wow did she teach my master a thing or two!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Devlin Creek Looking Exciting

After last night's rain we went down to have a look at the little creek that runs under the motorway in Chilworth Reserve. WOW!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mommy has great taste in shoes

Or should I say "Mommy has great tasting shoes".

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moving Furniture

NOW I'm comfortable!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gone Walkabout

There was a sudden silence in the Ray White Beecroft office today after my Master answered the phone and said "Binzi is where? At the Scout hut?". And yes, I had managed to escape again and walked for miles through the park until this nice man read my collar label and phoned home!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A girl needs her cellphone

I am in a bit of trouble now, for eating mommy's mobile phone. Although I chewed it pretty extensively, it was still working, ringing faintly when they dialed the number, which is how they found it under the sofa, with the back gone and the screen crushed.
Master had a lovely black leather cover for his new iPhone, and wasn't happy when I ate that the same night. Tasty leather!
But everything has worked out well, mommy has a nice new iPhone and Master has a new plastic cover for his one.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My new bed

Up to now I have always slept on mommy's bed but yesterday they bought me my own bed, and just to show willing I slept on it all night, or at least until 6am. Then I snuck up again and took my "middles" position. Mom complains because that leaves her with no bedcovers, but its warm still where I am so I don't really know why she complains.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Binzi Goes To Work

Here I am at Master's desk in Ray White Beecroft Office!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Escaped again, but soon caught!

I managed to get out again, mom had left a window open and I just jumped off a bed and through the window! Nobody had told me about flyscreens! Still, it fell out okay and I landed on it, cushioning my fall which was lucky - further down than I anticipated. Scary stuff.I rushed off to see Oscar over the road but Oscar's owner wasn't impressed and quickly brought me home and I spent half an hour clipped ignominiously to the front door.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Epping Dog Park

I had SUCH fun at the Epping Park leash-free dog area on Sunday! I met another Staffie (that's me on the right), though I think he was slightly better bred than me. I have a bit of bull terrier in me apparently. But he was nice enough to play with me anyway.

We had a barbeque, 8am Sunday morning, dog owners only invited!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Binzi loves plastic milk bottles

Don't ask where the rest of this bottle has gone!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Here I am being told off for chewing one of Lydia's shoes!
Not really fair, chewing is what dogs do, if we run out of dried pigs ears.

Bad moments in my life!

Yesterday I had a problem, I was working on opening up the garden fence so I could start escaping again, but I sort of got caught out by the fence and had to bark for help. Fortunately my owner came along, but rather rudely took a photograph before releasing me. How humiliating!

Introducing Binzi

I've already featured in several other blogs but now I want one of my own. First, who am I?
That's me, in my second favourite position, the best couch. My favourite position is of course mom's bed. My friends know of course that mom is Lydia Merrill, proprietor of Ray White Beecroft.