Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Escaped again, but soon caught!

I managed to get out again, mom had left a window open and I just jumped off a bed and through the window! Nobody had told me about flyscreens! Still, it fell out okay and I landed on it, cushioning my fall which was lucky - further down than I anticipated. Scary stuff.I rushed off to see Oscar over the road but Oscar's owner wasn't impressed and quickly brought me home and I spent half an hour clipped ignominiously to the front door.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Epping Dog Park

I had SUCH fun at the Epping Park leash-free dog area on Sunday! I met another Staffie (that's me on the right), though I think he was slightly better bred than me. I have a bit of bull terrier in me apparently. But he was nice enough to play with me anyway.

We had a barbeque, 8am Sunday morning, dog owners only invited!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Binzi loves plastic milk bottles

Don't ask where the rest of this bottle has gone!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Here I am being told off for chewing one of Lydia's shoes!
Not really fair, chewing is what dogs do, if we run out of dried pigs ears.

Bad moments in my life!

Yesterday I had a problem, I was working on opening up the garden fence so I could start escaping again, but I sort of got caught out by the fence and had to bark for help. Fortunately my owner came along, but rather rudely took a photograph before releasing me. How humiliating!

Introducing Binzi

I've already featured in several other blogs but now I want one of my own. First, who am I?
That's me, in my second favourite position, the best couch. My favourite position is of course mom's bed. My friends know of course that mom is Lydia Merrill, proprietor of Ray White Beecroft.