Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Best Friend Big Iggi

This is Iggi, the next door neighbour's dog I mentioned in a Jan 2012 post.  He has GROWN and now he chases me through the bushes with his master's newspaper in his mouth!

Chilworth Restored to Public Use

The M2 people have finished working under the viaducts of Chilworth Recreation Reserve, and built a really nice wooden bridge over the creek, and lined the sides of the creek with big boulders, great fun (for a dog) to climb over.  I am now very happy to be able to go on long walks north and south of the M2 in this lovely park!  I have met lots of nice dogs in the park, and several rather scary Bush Turkeys!  Fortunately those strange looking birds seem to be more scared of me than I am of them!

Blind Replacement

This was what I did to the blinds in the front bedroom, three years ago.  Master thinks I got caught in the blinds and panicked, but in fact I just found the thin sheets of pine tasty and crunchy.  They had someone in measuring up for new blinds yesterday, I hope they go for the same type.  I haven't really done anything to earn reproach recently, and maybe they think I am getting soft!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Battle Scars

It's not easy to be dignified with your head in a bucket!  This is me in the Ray White Beecroft office after I had an operation on my knee.
And a few weeks later I blew a blood vessel in my ear and had to go back to wearing the bucket!